Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day Three!

HEY! I've survived three day's on this craziness and have lost 3 lbs as of this morning! The first day was not bad, although I had to go to the grocery store, and that is always hard for me. I came out with some mozz/cheddar string cheese sticks and wasabi edammame nuts, which were really yummy! Okay, so those weren't on the diet, but helped me make it though the day. For breakfast I had the oatmeal raisin bar, which was quite good, shake was a french vanilla shake, also good, and trust me, I've never tolerated a shake as a meal, but it worked. Lunch was the chicken noodle soup, which was good, but needed some zip, I added some s&p, heavy on the p...haha. Afternoon snack I had on the way to the store, and it was the peanut butter crunch bar. It was VERY good so far as bars go. I pee'd like a race horse ALL day long. Lost 2.5 lbs the first day. From peeing, I assume.

Day two: wanted to eat ALL day, just for the sake of eating. Wasn't that I was hungry, just had the "I wanna eats" so in and amongst all the prepackaged stuff, I fixed two pork chops and had a diet cherry cola. Wasn't even hungry by dinner time, but had to feed the husband, so I had him grill some chicken breast and the other 2 pork chops. Had diced butternut squash, which was hum ho...but made some AWESOME slaw from broccoli slaw mix I picked up the day before. Made it through the rest of the day without eating anything.

Got up this morning and had lost another .5 lb. That makes you feel good. Now what doesn't make me feel good is that DH started cutting back on Monday also, and has lost 7 lbs already! GRRRRRRRR MEN! Today was an okay day, wasn't hungry much. I did fix tostadas for dinner and probably shouldn't have had the shells, but they were only around 7 carbs per shell, so I didn't think that was bad. Had no cheese, so I loaded it up with spring mix and tomatoes, lots of taco sauce and sour cream. REALLY good. I had nothing else after dinner. I know I'm not following the "Medi-fast" program the way they lay it out exactly, but I gotta get through these first few days! I also need to place another order!

For now, I'm okay with it!

1 comment:

  1. Well congratulations. :-) Not sure how much I have lost but I am at least running every other day. Did you drag dad into this as well?

