Thursday, September 3, 2009

Plan of attack

I am on day 27 of my diet. As usual I have royally screwed things up. I should have been down AT LEAST 10 lbs, but I've yo yo'ed back and forth at a piddly 4 lb loss. AARRRGGGG I'm SO frustrated! However, the tape shows a loss in the belly of over 2" and 1" in the, I'm wondering WHY my clothes don't feel any looser?

I do "okay" during the week, but I totally lose it on the weekends! I'm not saying I go all out, but I tend not to follow the rules! To be totally honest with you, I really HATE rules...LOL. I mean, does anyone really like rules in any area of our lives? I feel like it's my God given mandate to be able to eat anything I want to eat, and be the size I want to be. Unfortunately, my body doesn't think the same way.

So whats my strategy? hhhmmmm....I don't know. This weekend is Labor day, which means company, which means celebrating, which means, FOOD, and not of the diet kind. I've tried eating miniscule portions of the bad stuff, when I just couldn't muster up whatever I needed for the good stuff....still doesn't work. Okay, my stategy is this...I'm thinking that (don't laugh) just maybe it could be hormonal. I mean, come can't slash your calories for the last 30 days by half, add exercise, and NOT lose weight! Doesn't add up. Sure, I've had my cheats, but overall, come on, there should be something to show for it.

SO, plan #1: I have an appointment today with the Hormone Replacement Center in Nashville. The process is this...they do your bloodwork, find out what hormones are low or missing, have the MIA's identically created, made into a pellet about the size of a grain of rice, and insert it into your butt cheek. It lasts for around 4 months. The appointment today, is to "consult" with the physician, nail down all my symptoms (I'll probably add a few new ones to their already long list) and to go over package plans. They want you to pay for a full year up front (not happening) and then get your insurance to re-imburse you (which is probably also not happening) unfortunately, they are an "out of network provider" so, insurance may not pay any...if not, that's a deal breaker!

Plan #2: I go back to my former internist (insurance will pay) who had me on the blood sugar medicine, thyroid pill, phenteremin, and God knows what else....I did lose 30lbs, but that was because they had the dosages so high on the blood sugar meds, that I was so nauseated I couldn't eat and had constant diarrhea! LOL! Now that's a combination for weight loss! Not exactly how you want to spend your days though...

I've thought of other strategies...a fillet knife to just whittle my mid-section to the shape I would have it be (but that would be painful)...finding a corset from the 1800's who's strings weren't dry rotted (this would also be painful)...wrapping myself in plastic wrap and laying in the sun for 4 hours (that would be downright nuts).... naw...guess I'll just keep trying, and talk myself into going back to the gym UGH! I really hate that place.. = /

So, how in the world have YOU been!


  1. Helloooo? Did you waste away to nothing? Haven't seen or heard of you in ages! Where are you, dern it!!
    LOL.. Luv ya :o)

  2. Good luck to you Miss Young. Weight loss is hard. Be proud of the four pounds and keep us posted.
